Our media

The life of Belarusians in Wroclaw is becoming more diverse and saturated every month. With the help of our media team consisting of sincere and responsible Belarusians, the residents of the city receive up-to-date information in various directions as soon as possible: upcoming important events, meetings and events, current news from the life of the city, Belarusians in Wroclaw, etc. The group processes data for publication, prepares and publishes posters, works with post-releases. All necessary information about our work can be found on the website and social networks.

Join us – let’s make interesting content together!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/supolka_bel_wro/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bzswroclaw
Telegram: https://t.me/belarusy_wroclawa

Thank you if you find our work useful. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions.